Nation’s top three most expensive places for renters: all in Bay...
Source: The Mercury News If you want to rent a two-bedroom apartment in the South Bay, you’d better make close to $50 an hour — or roughly $100,000 a year — according to a startling new report that pegs all three of the nation’s most...
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Report: In LA, high housing prices make it hard to afford...
Source: Curbed It’s not a secret that housing prices are steep in Los Angeles, but a new report from the United Ways of California shows that those costs make it exceedingly difficult for many locals to afford other basic needs like food...
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Granny flats and renters’ tax credits: The California housing bills that...
Source: The Mercury News An array of bills aimed at easing California’s housing crisis, from banning fees on “granny flats” to pushing housing development on BART property, cleared a key hurdle last week, while others died quietly in...
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